Wednesday, January 26, 2011

get yo' naughty black swan on

last night's bodyrock sport event at s factor was so much fun. have you done s factor?! if you're in a major city, I recommend clicking the link and taking a class or two. once the initial embarrassment passes, it. is. awesome. works the arms, the abs, the sexy back (insert sexy wink emoticon here). and the best part is, the outfits!? seraphin, the lead instructor came out to demonstrate and wore the most adorably naughty black swan tutu to strut her stuff in. paired with a cher bra, she looked and danced for a boys night out. but for girls only!? genius. I'm a regular style correspondent on tv guide's fashion team, they came to cover the event so make sure to stay tuned for air dates on the 'out of the sweatsies and into the sexxxies' show segment.

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