Sunday, October 15, 2006

tour lore

I'm having a fab time on the last leg of my nordstrom event tour. san diego was a blast and tampa was extraordinary. dale miner set up a breakfast for the ladies prior to the event and I got to raffle off a bunch of stuff. too fun. I met so many great people and had such a rad time. its always my fave when a mom and daughter come in together and we get to play dress up with all the accessories. this fall nordstrom has some great stuff to pop an outfit. I especially love the betsey johnson baubles, the alexis bittarlucite jewelery, the oversized bags and all the yummy sunglasses. I still love the aviator chanels the best! great for that "just got done from flying my private plane" angelina/gwyenth look. l.a. fashion week is happening so tomorrow I am checking out the rock n republic suite at the bev hil, then the single show at the tents and the party afterwards at blowfish sushi. I better work it, girl.


Anonymous said...

that BJ watch is the radness!

Anonymous said...

you get cuter and cuter in every picture. so cute!

Anonymous said...

you said it, McGettit!


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