Remember when you tried to post a comment on my board and it would ask you to spend 38 minutes registering? NO MORE! Now anybody can leave a comment and I hope you all do - I promise to always respond and it'll make this board fun! I want to know what you want to know! Love always, JZ.
do you think there are too many fashion shows these days ..
you belong on a higher profile shows like E! or MTV ..
why does every celebrity have a clothing line .
what makes these people want to make clothes instead of doing the
whole acting / singing thing.
Jess Zaino - you are da bomb!!!!!! I love your show and your tips and your whole style! You should have your own show. I'd watch it and I know my friends would, too!
I guess as artists, everything is a creative outlet. thank g*d they're not wanting to start a line of medical supplies, right? xo, jess
Jess, how abotu hosting a reality show ..everyone has one of those.
or do some acting in dramas or comedy ..something that gets your international attention.
at least your not in the tabloids for doing anything stupid like most celebrities do .
I am also new to the world of fashion blogging. I Love your site.Check out this site I found. I saved 70% on designer wear. Awesome shopping!
Jess, how abotu hosting a reality show ..everyone has one of those. or do some acting in dramas or comedy ..something that gets your international attention. at least your not in the tabloids for doing anything stupid like most celebrities do .
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