Tuesday, April 28, 2009

is it a belt?

much like the clear, plastic bra straps that came out a few years back, isabelt is a new product with the same philosophy that you can wear your fave jeans, skirt or trousers (as they said back in the day) without a belt... or so we think. isabelt is a "thin, strong and flexible clear plastic belt, that virtually disappears when worn, providing you with the assurance that all is secure without even knowing it's there". I tried this one on for size. I knew it was there when I couldn't get it to adjust around my size 4 waist. it is clear and plastic though, so there's that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The isABelt is fully adjustable and has very specific instructions on the package and website. The isABeltWIDE is fully adjustable down to a size 6x...

no need to leave, google it here
